The last day of opening for the Fashion Museum at the Assembly Rooms will be Sunday 30 October 2022, following which the collection will move to temporary accommodation until a new Museum, located in the centre of the city, and purpose-built Collections Study Centre are created.
Plans by the council for a new, relocated, Fashion Museum have also taken a step forward with the publication of proposals to acquire a property in Bath’s Milson Quarter for the new attraction, using grant funding secured from the West of England Joint Committee. The plans also highlight the opportunity for this area to become a nationally renowned fashion destination, with a range of high-end retailers and space for makers and creative industries.
In addition, the council also plans to open a bespoke new Collections Study Centre to house the collection, to provide new facilities for events and to allow the public to get a closer look at the collection. A purpose-built facility is being proposed at a council owned site in Locksbrook. This will adjoin a significant new development by Bath Spa University for all their creative courses.
The new Fashion Museum and Collections Study Centre are likely to be completed in the next five to eight years. In the meantime, the Fashion Museum team will continue to engage with local residents and national and international supporters through an exciting programme of digital content, loans to museums worldwide, events and more.
The Fashion Museum’s final exhibition at its current home is called You Choose. This innovative new exhibition has been co-curated by members of the local community, who were asked to consider the question ‘What does fashion mean to you?’ Working with the curatorial team, they then chose items from the collection that they feel reflect them and their take on fashion and dress history.
View the full press release on the Council website.